
CMS data analysis  

Compact Muon Solenoid experiment data analysis

Upon his arrival at ETH, Wallny established a research program focusing on the search for the Higgs boson, searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model with particular emphasis on SuperSymmetry, and the physics of the top quark.

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CMS silicon R&D and detector operations

Members of the group have been actively involved in the operation of the CMS pixel detector. The CMS Pixel detector has been replaced by a new, four layer pixel detector in 2017 and the group has made large contributions to the testing, construction and commissioning of the CMS Phase 1 pixel detector, and supports the operation and maintenance of the Phase-I detector until the planned LHC shutdown in 2025.

After the LHC 2025-2027 shutdown, the so called CMS Phase 2 Upgrade detector will present a completely new tracking system. Our group is leading the design and the construction of the pixel modules for this detector and the system design and powering aspects.

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The present CMS pixel detector belongs to the class of 'hybrid' detectors: the sensor and the read-out chip are two separate entities connected together using bump-bonds (tiny solder spheres). A new and promising development aims at building both the sensor and the read out chip from a single silicon wafer: Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (DMAPS) detector. The group is presently working at an optimized design for this new concept.

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CMS diamond R&D

The group also participates at developing tracking detectors for the future circular colliders. The radiation doses there are expected to reach the levels that would require technology beyond the current silicon detectors.

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