At present, our research focuses almost exclusively on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its future upgrades, taking leading roles both in physics analysis and future detector upgrades.
The data analyses activities focus on the characterization of the Higgs boson in the final states with photons and b-quarks in the final state, and search for SuperSymmetry with hadronic and leptonic final states.The hardware activities revolve around the Phase-2 upgrades of the CMS pixel detector upgrade, R&D for future trackers (DMAPS and diamonds), and basic R&D for calorimetry for the Phase-2 upgrade.
The long-term plan is to broaden this research program as soon as the way to a new international high-luminosity/high-energy collider facility will become clear.
Wallny’s group is also committed to strongly contribute to the teaching mission of the department, providing a well-balanced portfolio of large propaedeutic (lower division) courses as well as Master’s and PhD level classes. We also take an active role in outreach and the promotion of science towards the public as important aspect of our teaching mandate.